2017-07-09 19:20:06
鹅肝 芥末虾球 概览菜单,便知理应如此,这里的特色就是给食客提供一种中西融合、中餐西吃的美好体验,并且可以说把这种融合做到了极致。不仅如此,锦
首道菜是爽滑油润的鹅肝蔬果果仁沙律。其中的鹅肝形如鸭脯,与法式餐馆中的鹅肝迥然不同。此菜鹅肝色泽自然,形状完好,富含脂肪(此说并无贬义),因为油润鹅肝口味更胜一筹,再加上蜜饯核桃和葡萄干果,实乃天然巧成,不但微甜爽口,且有保健养生之功效。 中西风味巧妙融合,算得上是绝好的开胃佳肴。
温家宝:猪肉价过几月会降 稳定物价是首要任务 拉加德正式接管IMF 发改委暂停审批综合配套改革试点 WTO裁定中国9原材料出口限制违规 商红会:账目10年没人审计 地球上16种致命杀手大多外表迷人 徐晓宇:我们误读了王岐山的讲话 分析机构动向 捕捉黑马暴涨玄机
服务质量: 非常好
菜品质量: 非常好
用餐环境: 非常好
特色菜: 黄焖鱼翅鱼唇汤,鹅肝,鲍汁黑胡椒焖小牛排
人均消费: RMB300-400元
电话: 021-64451717
A special year-end menu featuringindulgent and decadent Chinese delicacies for the fall and winter。
Once you walk into the Chinoise Story, you feel the elegance and luxury that itoffers. Winner of countless Best Restaurant awards and listed in all the travelguide books, it seems to be THE place to be and be seen for Shanghainese, andone glance at the menu explains why. It is full of rare Chinese delicacies likeliver, abalone, fish maw, and shark"s fin. Their present set menus are ayear-end special and give diners the chance to sample each of these renowneddelicacies. The fantastic general manager Mary planned a set menu perfect forus to taste their cold-weather specialties。
We started off with a rich andcreamy foie gras with fruit and nut salad (148rmb). It was obvious from thefirst glance that this was nothing like the foie gras you see at Frenchrestaurants, it looked almost like a piece of duck breast. The liver itselfseemed more natural, un-trimmed and therefore full of fat. I didn"t complainbecause the extra fat made it taste even more decadent. Exquisitely paired witha sweet and tangy salad of candied walnuts and dried goji berries, which alsohave medicinal qualities in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this appetizerperfectly blended a traditional Western dish with Asian flavors。
As I savored every bite of theappetizer, our server brought two shallow bowls full of a thick orange soup,one of the restaurants signature lavish dishes: slow-cooked shark"s fin andfish maw (300rmb). The last time I had shark"s fin, I was young and unaware ofthe harmful way the fins are collected. But fish maw I had never tried before butheard of it and Mary mentioned its benefits for your skin; it is a naturalsource of collagen and helps keep your skin healthy during the cold. I used tolove shark"s fin and have been curious to try it again, and this soup did notdisappoint. It is true that shark"s fin and fish maw do not have their ownflavors, it is their textures that distinguishes them. Slippery, rubbery andchewy, they really are an acquired taste. The best you can hope for is thatthey are cooked in a tasty sauce or broth because they absorb them well. Thissoup was decadent again: rich, buttery and perfect for the cold weather。
Now I was craving for a salad orside of steamed vegetables with our main course, as the first two dishes werejust so fatty. We were served the slow-cooked veal steak in abaloneblack-pepper sauce (58rmb). The meat was tender and fell right off the bone,roasted perfectly and smothered with what tasted like a barbecue sauce. Thedish itself was served only with two broccoli florets, and they didn"t serve themini steamed pumpkin with vegetables until we had finished the steak. I wouldhave preferred more vegetables, as the pumpkin only had one piece of asparagus,and a single piece of mushroom, water chestnut, and cucumber chopped up inside。
As we waited for our desserts, weperused their full menu and commented on the restaurant itself. Although aweekday evening, there were a number of visitors, mostly Asian but with a fewWesterners. The contemporary seating arrangement made it a private diningexperience, another Western feature of the Chinoise Story. Looking back at ourmeal, I probably should have ordered wine with the foie gras and veal. One lookat their comprehensive wine list, I regretted not having a chance to sample it.I discussed with my dining companion why the restaurant was so popular and weboth agreed that the fusion works perfectly: Chinese locals enjoy eatingChinese food cooked in a Western way while Westnerners find it easy to tryChinese dishes that have European flavors. I am not sure when I will be backsince this place is not cheap, but it is definitely worth the splurge. I wouldhighly recommend this venue for special occasions, especially anniversaries。
by Karol Ng
Service quality: excellent
Food quality: excellent
Price per head (RMB): 300-400
Environment: excellent
Feature dish or menu: Shark"sfin and fish maw, foie gras
No. 59 South Maoming Rd. //锦庐,茂名南路59号,锦江饭店一层 Tel:021-6445 1717 Shanghai
来源 中国品牌网 www.chinapp.com 转载请注明出处
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鹅肝 芥末虾球 概览菜单,便知理应如此,这里的特色就是给食客提供一种中西融合、中餐西吃的美好体验,并且可以说把这种融合做到了极致。不仅如此,锦