2017-07-06 08:25:08
Terrace餐厅 宏泉丽笙开业两年来,设于酒店内的餐厅均由行政总厨Daniel Turner负责管理,其中包括24小时营业的Terrace自助餐厅。行政总厨Turner曾在米
宏泉丽笙开业两年来,设于酒店内的餐厅均由行政总厨Daniel Turner负责管理,其中包括24小时营业的Terrace自助餐厅。行政总厨Turner曾在米其林明星厨师Richard Kersley麾下工作,后来为Jamie Oliver开了Fifteen Melboune餐厅。在Terrace,行政总厨Turner 和副总厨上海人Frankey Yang掌勺,烹制各种五星级品质的菜肴。
自助餐菜品丰富,有多种中西传统菜式。然而,我认为明星菜肴要数令人垂涎的印式风味的主菜。酒店的印度主厨Vipin Kumar,来自新德里,厨艺高超,即便有大批印度顾客就餐,也能满足其对印式咖喱风味菜肴地道可口的要求。
当晚,我们用餐时该餐厅仅印度菜肴就有五道咖喱菜、一道羊肉炒饭和清淡爽口的印度薄饼。 第一道咖喱菜,是地道的印式咖喱炖羊肉,里面有肥美细嫩的羊肉块,配上微辣味浓的黑咖喱酱。咖喱鱼则口味微辣,由鲜美的鱼肉片做成。咖喱鸡用的是香嫩的无骨鸡块,配上微辣油润、色泽微黄的印度比尔亚尼咖喱。咖喱鱿鱼蛤则搭配较辣的泰式绿咖喱。鱿鱼做得恰到好处,没有以前吃的那么难嚼。还有素食风味的黄色木豆,浓香美味。印式菜肴区的尽头是羊肉炒饭,原料是酥嫩的羊肉块和咖喱风味的印度香米炒饭。
服务质量: 良好
餐品质量: 良好
用餐环境: 良好
特色菜: 印度咖喱菜
人均消费: 100-200元
电话: +86 21 5355 9999 x3777
Meat &seafood lover"s delightwith an Indian flair。
The restaurants at the two year old Radisson Shanghai Hong Quan, including the24-hour buffet at the “Terrace”, are the responsibility of Manchester, British Executive Chef DanielTurner. Chef Turner previously worked under Michelin star chef Richard Kersleyand later opened Jamie Oliver"s restaurant Fifteen Melbourne. He and hisexecutive sous chef, locally-born Frankey Yang, cook all of the dishes at a 5star standard。
The “Terrace” is a clean, bright,quiet, and spread out area with a lively open show kitchen. Restaurant staffattentively circulates around the dinning area, provided helpful servicewhenever needed. Enjoyable, light background music was performed by a liveFilipino cover band。
A diverse collection of western andeastern traditional fare comprises this hearty, meat-lovers buffet. However,the shining star, of the night, in my opinion, was the mouth-watering Indianmains. The hotel"s highly-skilled Head Indian chef Vipin Kumar from Delhi ensures that evenlarge groups of Indian guests can enjoy authentic Indian curry standards。
Among the Indian fare that wereavailable on the night of my visit were five different curries, a lamb friedrice, and light, crispy Papadum. The first curry, an authentic Lamb Rogan Josh,was filled with meaty and tender chunks of lamb in a mildly-spicy, rich, dark,curry sauce. Their Fish Curry was also lightly spiced, and consisted of plump,tender fish fillets. The Chicken Curry contained savory and juicy bonelesschunks of chicken, served in a mildly spicy, creamy-rich, yellow Biryani currysauce. The Squid and Clam Curry was in a medium-spiced green Thai-style currysauce. The squid was perfectly cooked, not rubbery as I often experience. Avegetarian yellow Dahl of firm lentils with a delightful, full-bodied taste wasalso on the menu. Rounding out the Indian section of the buffet was lamb friedrice consisting of tender full-flavored cubes of lamb in curry-seasoned friedbasmati rice。
Beyond the Indian mains, severalother tasty hot entrees were also on hand. Among the highlights was a fresh,firm, and meaty Braised Sole and was served in a light lemony sauce. The RoastLeg of Lamb in a dark, rich sauce had a delightfully strong lamb flavor withoutbeing overpowering. Sweet barbequed Roasted Pork from the hotel"s Chineserestaurant was also a very nice addition。
Sashimi is a staple on many buffetsaround Shanghai.Terrace"s buffet is no exception and offers generously-sliced, flavorful,melt-in-the-mouth, fresh Salmon Sashimi. Of particular note, however, is thevery fresh and very crunchy Giant Clam that was also available (one of myabsolute favorite sashimi fishes and almost impossible to find in Shanghai)!
The cooked shellfish bar on iceoffered a plethora of tasty choices including Hairy Crabs, long Crab Legs,Scallops, Mussels, Clams, and Snails。
Those on a diet will enjoy the saladbar which offers many commonly found salad bits, along with some less commonlyfound choices; such as a tasty Couscous, and a very fresh, crunchy Jelly FishVinaigrette Salad. Fresh breads and cheeses were also offered, along with aMushroom Soup with a hearty mushroom broth and a Thai-style Tom Yum TahlehSeafood Soup。
With just a little room left tosample the dessert bar I found that the moist and flavorful four-layer OperaCake really satisfied my sweet tooth. I decided to save trying the melted WhiteChocolate Fruit Fondue for my next visit。
Soda, juice, tea, and beer are alsoincluded in this substantial buffet, so if you are seeking a good selection,the Terrace offer a great feast without paying a King"s ransom。
by Leslie Ruskin
Service quality: good
Food quality: good
Price per head (RMB): 100-200
Environment: good
Feature dish or menu: Indiancurries
No. 210, Taopu Road. // 宏泉丽笙酒店内,上海市普陀区桃浦路210号 Tel:+86 21 5355 9999 x3777
来源 中国品牌网 www.chinapp.com 转载请注明出处
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